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Transfer Securities between Clearing Member for Market Makers & Liquidity Providers

Service ID
Transfer Securities between Clearing Member for Market Makers & Liquidity Providers

Dubai Clear facilitates the Transfer of securities from member/ Listed Company to a market maker / liquidity provider.


AED 100 for each company

Note: All current fees are subject to VAT. The fee will be added to invoices as per the UAE Federal Law No.8 of 2017.
  1. Submit the request to Dubai Clear via email: clearingandsettlement@dubaiclear.ae
  2. In case of a transfer from Listed Company NIN, a copy of related agreement should be provided
  3. Dubai Clear will review the  request and ensure all requirements are fulfilled
  4. Dubai Clear will execute and  issue the voucher and confirm by email to the member
Required Documents
  1. Complete the Transfer Form
  2. Attach the supporting document (if applicable)
  3. Deposit the Transfer Fees to the Dubai Clear account with Emirates NBD bank IBAN: AE370260000412063720929
Services Catalogue